Navigation Exploration

For this project, the client was excited to use the brand's campaign artwork and wanted to use it in a creative way within their Internal Visual Aid. I came up with 3 distinct ways to use the artwork within the navigation, prototyped, and presented to the client. 


Parallax Option

To get through navigation this way, users would swipe through the primary navigation from left to right. The secondary navigation would expand and appear when it is in the middle of the frame. To incorporate the brand art, I used the car at the bottom driving along the road beneath the navigation. As the user swipes, the trees and background move in a parallax motion.  


Road Dial Option

This option used the campaign artwork by having the car drive on a circular road on the left of the screen. This circular road acts as a dial to scroll through the navigation. As the user scrolls up or down, the section that is selected appears next to the car along with the secondary navigation and screen preview. 


Road Scroll Option

This last option was the more straight forward navigation style. The campaign art was used to create a top down view of the car driving down the road. As the user swiped up, the car remains stationary while the road and trees move past it creating the illusion of the car driving. The section titles are reimagined as road signs where the user can tap on the desired page to navigate to. 


Brand X Website


Caribou Coffee Mobile Ad